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Best Dog Care Award

We have always supported the most important European sleddog competitions and the most coveted prize for many competitors is this one. The Best Dog Care award recognizes the respect and care that every musher dedicates to their team of dogs. This year we are the official sponsor of the biggest long distance races in Europe: Femundlopet and Finnmarkslopet. The Femundlopet 650 km, 450 km, 200 km and Junior will start from Roros, Norway on 5 February. The race can be followed on the official website: www.femundlopet.no Finnmarkslopet 1200 km, 600 km and Junior will start from Alta, Norway on 12 March.  The race can be followed on the official website: www.finnmarkslopet.no Good mushing to all teams!

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Boosting for CaniX!

Used by almost all professional human athletes, interval training has long been recognized as one of the most effective ways to improve cardiovascular and respiratory fitness and build endurance. Interval training is an ideal workout for dogs too. This kind of training is a form of cardiovascular training where short bursts of strenuous activity are followed by periods of rest, raising and lowering the heart rate multiple times during the session.Interval training is made up of phases of high intensity work and easier rest phases. Interval Training is a key training system to increase the power of our dogs, an essential element in speed racing. We should never underestimate the need for every canine athlete to have an annual veterinary

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Health in focus! By Petter Karlsson

WinterPad® cream offers excellent protection for the interdigital spaces and pads. It forms a waterproof and protective layer. Spread on sensitive areas of paws exposed to frost, snow, ice, mud, and uneven ground. Tested in harsh polar climates. “Hi, my name is Petter Karlsson.I have been using Winterpad for many years to keep my dog’s paws in good condition. I try to run dogs without shoes as much as possible, partly to reduce the risk of wrist damage and partly to reinforce their paw pads.Winterpad protects from the formation of ice on the paws and around the paws, but still allows the paws to remain strong and sturdy. I also sometimes use Winterpad in combination with booties. If you have

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SUMMER activities?

There are some essential steps to take, other than using the right gear, to ensure that your active, sporty dog stays healthy. Not all dogs are able to regulate their energy expenditure and will run until they collapse. As well as embarking on any new activity in a gradual way, it’s important that you know how to recognize signs that your dog is tired or stressed so that you can intervene when necessary and take the right course of action: for example, alternating walking with running, taking rest breaks and always making sure you always have fresh, clean water available for your dog to drink and rehydrate. Bear in mind that running is not a sport which is suitable for

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