Winterpad® appliceras på trampdynorna och ger huden en skyddande och vattenavvisande barriär. Winterpad lugnar, hindrar rodnad och irritation. Speciellt lämpad att skydda tassarna hos jakt- och brukshundar. Testad i hårt vinterklimat.
“Hi, my name is Petter Karlsson.
I have been using Winterpad for many years to keep my dog’s paws in good condition. I try to run dogs without shoes as much as possible, partly to reduce the risk of wrist damage and partly to reinforce their paw pads.
Winterpad protects from the formation of ice on the paws and around the paws, but still allows the paws to remain strong and sturdy. I also sometimes use Winterpad in combination with booties. If you have both Winterpad and booties, you can remove them when they are frozen and continue with just Winterpad. We also found that small wounds on the paws heal faster when using Winterpad.”
Petter Karlsson
Svensk musher som har vunnit alla större lopp under de senaste tio åren.
Bland de svåraste och viktigaste tävlingarna vann han: La Grande Odyssee 1000 km i Frankrike 2008; Finnmarkslopet 1000 km 2016; Femundlopet 650 km 2017; Finnmarkslopet 1200 km 2018.